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561 819-9003




I have been preparing business valuations for matrimonial litigation, estate taxes and business combinations since the advent of Equitable Distribution in Divorce Law.  I have held seminars on valuing businesses and professional practices. I have been involved in enhanced earning capacity valuations.

Collaborative Law


Rather than exposing your entire life to a public trial, in Collaborative Family Law, you each choose a trained Collaborative Lawyer, a Neutral Financial Professional and a Mental Health Professional to guide you through your divorce.  Keep in mind, you still need professionals who have great experience and understand about how to apply the law.  Depending on the case and the complexity of the assets and child issues, you can accomplish this in 3 or 4 sessions. What a great alternative. Take a look at it.

Estate Tax Valuations


Planning for future tax reduction and valuing a deceased's estate requires knowledge of general valuation principles and regulations and also requires a knowledge of Court decisions and precedent. 

Child Support &
Alimony Calculations


Prepares these Calculations for Attorneys and Collaborative Groups using the best current sorftware, like Divorce Power Analyzer.

Fraud & Internal Control Examinations


Fraud comes in many shapes and sizes.  Partners can steal from each other, vendors and delivery people can short deliveries and a bookkeeper who alleged sexual harassment against her employer could be charged, as pay back, with fake fraud allegations that have to be examined for their truth and accuracy.  Once again, over 30 years of diversified experience gives Lish Forensics a very large advantage.


Computation of Damages


Claims for damages can give rise to litigation  Damages have to be calculated using formulas generally accepted by the Courts and they have to be substantially sound with proper assumptions and substantiation.


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